Learn how to properly use Chat GPT to speed up your blog writing workflow, enhance your SEO efforts, and avoid being cancelled by Google.


May 7, 2024

How to Use Chat GPT to Polish Up Your Blog Posts

Website designer in Hamilton holding an IPad talking about ChatGPT and writing blogs.

How to get started today on building a killer link building strategy and optimizing every single page on your website with a few easy tweaks.

Website Best Practices

April 19, 2024

Easy Link Building Strategies to Improve Your SEO

brand and web designer wearing all white in Hamilton ontario typing on a laptop, writing a blog about link building strategies

Let me tell you about where I’m seeing folks leave their red hot leads out in the cold and how you can avoid this common mistake.

Website Best Practices

January 24, 2024

Leaving Red Hot Clients Out in the Cold: Common Mistakes Part Three

Hamilton brand and web designer wearing a casual outfit holding books.

How you can leverage your blog posts to boost your rankings on Google and drive more organic traffic to your website.

Website Best Practices

January 24, 2024

Sleeping on Your Blog Posts: Common Mistakes Part Two

Hamilton, website and brand designer writing blog posts dressed in casual blue jeans and white sneakers

Leveraging your unique point of view to create connection and let your ideal client knows that you care about their personal success and ability to thrive as much as they do.

Website Best Practices

January 24, 2024

Clear Point Of View: Common Website Mistakes Part One

Web and brand designer from Hamilton, Ontario, sitting on a white couch wearing all white with her arms crossed on a stack of books