fully custom from start to finish

Custom brand
& Website design

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all the benefits of agency level expertise 
      the undivided attention of a small studio


all the
benefits of agency level expertise 
      the undivided attention of a
small studio


The custom Brand & web experience

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Pairing your unique vision with a strategic & intentional approach to build a one-of-a-kind brand identity and ShowIt website that transcends aesthetics. A custom from-scratch design that truly feels and sounds like home, for you and your audience, and that supports the most expansive version of your business. You can expect an end-to-end experience (strategy all the way through launch and beyond) with 1:1 focused attention from project start to finish.

Ideal choice for mature businesses looking to level up (2 years+) or if you require specific website features to achieve your goals. 

Strategy-based design       mindful entrepreneurs.





Strategy-based design        mindful entrepreneurs.



Custom brand & Website design

One Custom 5-Page Website

01 Home Page
02 Signature Strategy-Based Sales Page
         for 1 Leading Service
03 About Page
04 Blog Set Up
05 Optimized Contact Page

40 hours of Design, Build, Training + Support
Website Discovery, Research and Planning
UX/UI Developed Around Clear Objectives
 (wireframe, sitemap, and user flow)
Strategic Copy Creation, Editing & Basic SEO
Email Incentive Lead Generation Sign-up Form 
Domain Setup & URL Transfer
Video Training & Launch Graphics
30 Days Post Launch Email Support

Note that brand & web design are typically done together, but can be done separately. 



one-of-a-kind, from-scratch

get started

$5990 CAD**

4-6+ weeks

What's includeD

web design starting at

*Starting pricing
**extra pages at an additional fee

$4920 CAD*

brand design starting at

Brand Design

01      Logo variations (primary, secondary,                   tagline + submark)
02      Colour palette, in CMYK, RGB, HEX
03      Fonts, (link to purchase and free                         alternatives)
04      Imagery Mood board
05      Patterns or graphic themes if                               applicable
06      Brand guideline, PDF
07      Each design in EPS, JPEG, and PNG
08      Social media avatar images, refine bio,               highlights
09      Email signature
10      Application samples

Brand Strategy Workshop

01       Brand strategy workbook and working                           session (to define your gaps in your current                   brand, develop a clear audience, vision,                         values and brand or business goals etc.)
02     Review session over Loom.
03     A final Brand Platform PDF that neatly                encapsulates our findings for future use.


4 weeks

What's includeD

view custom work

The Process

Brand Design

01      Logo variations (primary, secondary,                  tagline + submark)
02      Colour palette, in CMYK, RGB, HEX
03      Fonts, (link to purchase and free                          alternatives)
04      Imagery Mood board
05      Patterns or graphic themes if                              applicable
06      Brand guideline, PDF
07      Each design in EPS, JPEG, and PNG
08      Social media avatar images, refine                      bio, highlights
09      Email signature
10      Application samples

Brand Strategy Workshop

01       Brand strategy workbook and working                   session (to define your gaps in your                         current brand, develop a clear
               audience, vision, values and brand or                     business goals etc.)
02      Review session over Loom.
03      A final Brand Platform PDF that neatly                    encapsulates our findings for future use.

Agency level expertise      studio LEVEL pricing


Good for you if:



Ideal choice for mature businesses looking to level up (2 years+) or if you require specific website features to achieve your goals. 

You're ready to invest in your vision to level up your brand and want agency-level branding at studio pricing. 

You’re done guessing at what works
 and are ready to level up your online presence and relationship with your audience with intention.

You're a high achiever with a head full of big ideas and amazing services to offer, but feel lost on how to communicate them or lack a compelling home for them online.

You're seeking expert guidance, a well-thought-out strategy, and the accountability to make it happen!





our custom brand & website designs are

This is a good solution for you if you have a logo and brand you like but want a website that works as a functional service-selling tool without going fully custom. 

web design

learn more

if not, you might be interested in

Looking      more support?


Love the idea of a custom experience but don't have the  direction or time to support it by bringing it to market?

No problem, we have a solution for that too. We offer a customized experience catered to what your specific brand needs. This might look like social campaigns, email campaigns, launches, lead generation etc. Our goal is to nurture your audience wherever they are at and give you a solid plan on how to keep up with all your audience touch points.

All in on custom design but need a little help getting to market too?

marketing support

$1800 CAD*

support capabilities

starting at

*Pricing is project specific, based on scope of work

01      Seasonal offer/promotion creation
02     Free value lead generation planning & creation
03     Email campaigns & launches
04     Social media planning & graphic content creation
05     Blog content planning    


reach out about marketing support

reach out about marketing

01     Seasonal offer/promotion creation

02     Free value lead generation                             planning & creation

03     Email campaigns & launches

04     Social media planning & graphic                   content creation

05     Blog content planning    


drop your email  access the full experience  pricing guide



whaT     expect


from our custom experience

Every project starts with an intro call, what we like to call a little warm-up sesh.
Side note: we do this before you pay a cent, we want to make sure we'll be a great fit for each other. We want to hear what you are excited about, where you see it going and how we can help you get there. 

to start


introduction Call

warm-up sesh

Before we even draw a line, we dive into strategy. Why? Because we're not here to just give you a brand that looks good, but a design that actually works. That's why we start with research: we've built an extensive workbook that will help us identify where you fit, your ideal audience, identify your competitors, etc. From there we take all that data to create a smart and strategic plan for your brand moving forward.


phase one





This is ultimately the foundation of your brand. During this discovery process; we spend time facilitating conversation around the brand through the brand strategy workbook. This process will help us realize your unique and valuable offering, and dream about your business – because if we don’t know where you want to go, I can’t build a brand to get you there.

And that’s just it; we don’t just focus on the design assets here but we look at how to implement them effectively and how to best speak to your audience through strategic messaging as well as the visuals. Getting a handle on the overall strategy of the brand from the start of the project will be important even though we won’t see the implementation to it’s fullest effect in Phase One it will inform the choices and provide a solid foundation throughout the next phases as they come along.

Design and build a website built on ShowIt’s easy visual design based platform to allow for user-friendly editing, updating and content manipulation. 

phase two



brand       website

design       development


Thoroughly analyzing the required content and functionality of the website, and develop an appropriate user interface and experience in order to serve as an engaging and successful tool for your company. After the content has been approved, will we start to build the website and launch it after having trained you on how to maintain and use it.

Develop a brand that speaks to your ideal audience and clearly expresses your approach to business both professionally and personally. 

Build out a visual system that can be integrated across of your marketing efforts (through colours, fonts, patterns/brand graphic elements etc) This is an extensive, one-on-one experience where we work together to create a beautiful and well thought out brand end-to-end, backed by strategy and research. We’ll dive deep and create a plan that will outlive your brand’s infancy and allow you to grow into the business of your dreams.

After everything had been approved we publish it after having trained you on how to maintain and use it.
Some folks leave it here and prefer to launch on their own, but we highly recommend a launch strategy which we offer through our marketing support.


phase three



File delivery


If we had it our way, we'd never just deliver something and leave you hanging. We'll make sure you have the knowledge on how to maintain your brand moving forward and help you brainstorm ideas for how to launch your new business.

In our marketing support programs, we plan and create a framework to keep your audience engaged moving forward and how to best communicate your value!

We just built something awesome together,
we want to help you see it through!

phase four





inquire to start your project

Strategy-based design        mindful entrepreneurs.





Strategy-based design        mindful entrepreneurs.



view more work

driegen designs

semi-custom website

custom brand & website

KNOTS and Pipes

Lindsay bishop

custom brand, website, & marketing 


custom brand

What You'll Always Get From Us:
Strategy is always our top priority. We're always aiming to create designs that are not only visually compelling but functional sales tools for your business. We believe in order to have your site working as a functional sales tool it requires knowing your audience and their needs intimately. That's why we approach every single project with you and your audience in mind.

Tier One, Semi-Custom:
Semi-custom sites are built off of a pre-developed framework and tailored to your specific brand. Although we do not do a full strategy workshop together in semi-custom, we've created these semi-custom templates with very specific service provider in mind. We've done the research ahead of time and have experience working with very similar businesses within those industries specifically. We're relying not only on our years of industry knowledge but also on a carefully crafted process where we are able to excavate any missing pieces and apply them to your specific business strategy.

Tier Two, Fully Custom:
In custom design, we take a deeper dive into strategy and create a take-away document with all of our findings and conclusions which heavily inform the brand identity creation, website copy, brand messaging and marketing communication strategy. In custom, we take a from scratch approach to your website and fully flesh out how your brand appears at every touch point. We broaden the scope of work to include branded assets and templates you will need in order to properly launch and market your new brand/website online. Whereas in the semi-custom option you receive just the bare basic brand elements needed to apply your brand identity to your site and social media.

01. What am I getting in a custom design that I'm not getting in a semi-custom??

While agencies can offer you robust services and big project scopes, they’re also giant machines and require a lot of resources to run. That means higher project costs and many hands working on different projects simultaneously, often leaving room for split attention and energy. I know this well because of my years of experience working as an art director, managing and creating projects from start to finish with my team.

And while it's excellent that agencies can support big-name brand projects with robust services, and there is certainly a time and place for this level of execution, that might not be what you need.

At Goodwell, we offer a small but mighty service suite, so we can focus on what we’re good at. It’s a small team, just 1-2 people working on your project. Myself and a small handful of folks that I pull in for their expertise where my capabilities meet their edge (ex. brand photography). 

Every custom project we take on together receives undivided attention and we choose to work on just one custom project at a time because we know that’s the level of attention that is required and quite frankly deserved.

02. why would i choose a small studio over an agency? 

Client Feedback

Sign-off on visual layout application

Sign-off on copy

Apply Basic SEO + Formatting

Any Final Revisions or tweaks

Present Final Web Wireframe + Visual Layout Changes for Approval

Transfer Site ownership + connect URL

Launch graphics & any training necessary

03. What's the process like for a semi-custom site?

A thirty minute Warm Up Sesh (call)

Choose the functionality you require

Choose the layout that speaks to you, we  will then customize the colours/fonts to match your brand (between the 3 unique layouts available for this series) and book your start date

A brand questionnaire and copywriting prompt form will be sent and completed 1 week before our project start date

All brand assets must be sent 1 week before project start date

Collect all brand data and assets

Approve layout and theme (fonts/colours)

Create and approve how brand elements as translated to web (fonts, colours) etc.

Upload all Assets to the Site

Build and Apply Copy

Client Approval/Feedback EOW






Week THREE +

Week Zero







Week one

Week TWO









Yes, as a small studio, you’re paying market value. While there’s less overhead at a studio compared to an agency, it still makes up part of the equation. For context, at an agency you’ll pay anywhere from $10-150k depending on your project. We also factor in time, expertise and outsourcing into the final fee and are truly unafraid to put it up here on our website, because we believe honesty is everything and that includes knowing what an investment with us would look like. We've worked on projects with investments as little as $3k to full scope custom projects that can reach upwards to $15k depending on your needs.

04. Seems like a lot for a studio, are you sure this is market price? 

Trust us when we say, your business needs more than just a logo. Branding is an important business investment that helps you to reach your goals. A one-off logo will not help you to connect with your target audience, stand out from your competitors, create consistency, build loyalty and trust with your audience or bring in more revenue. 

For this reason, we do not take on logo only projects. We want you to invest in design that’s going to move your business forward and help you to grow into the brand you want to become, not just the brand you are now.

05. What If I just need a logo?

We're always open to discussing brand photography options! We do acknowledge that this is an additional expense to hire a brand photographer and we have a few we'd love to recommend to you. We've worked with them on numerous client projects and have a process that works like well-oiled machine! I often accompany these collaborators on shoot day and provide creative direction and a shot list to keep the day running smoothly.

If you choose not to work with a brand photographer, we do recommend a few things to be done at least semi-professionally if you can (headshots, team shots, if you have office/clinical space you'd like to show) On-brand imagery and brand photography fosters a sense of trust and connection with your audience so we will always recommend using this type of imagery where you can but there are plenty of ways we can use a well curated stock imagery library to fill in the gaps.

06. Do I have hire one of your preferred brand photographers for on-brand imagery or can I find my own?

These templates are built on Showit — a powerful drag and drop website builder that we've been using for almost of our studio's site designs. A ShowIt subscription is required to use our templates, which includes hosting for both your site and blog, use of the software to customize and manage your site, and tech support along the way. We love using ShowIt for its creative freedom and flexibility as well as it's live tech support chat team who are available to help you if any issues arise while you're making small updates to the site after our work together. A great perk in my opinion!

07.  what platform are these templates for?

Yes! All of our sites are created pre-optimized not only in their user flow but also with SEO in mind. We sprinkle in keywords as organically and as often as we can to ensure Google loves your site as much as we do, the website platform we use, ShowIt, has powerful, built-in SEO tools on the ready to help you rank. Maintaining excellent SEO requires more than just a one-time task however, in order be on Google's radar, it needs to know you're continuing to serve up useful information to your audience, that's why we highly recommend utilizing your blog. More on that here.

We even made a little freebie to help you determine whether or not your current site is working as hard as it could be. Check it out here!

08. Is this site going to be good for my SEO?

free resource

Is your website working as hard as it could be?

So many service providers I come into contact with are burning themselves out, bending over backwards to get folks to buy into their services and purchase their products, all while totally ghosting their 24/7 passive salesman (their website).

download the free resource →

If this is you, that’s okay, I see you and to be perfectly honest... I’ve been there. This resource will walk you through all of the things you need to consider to have an optimized website that is working to it’s full potential!

watch the brand story

the face behind the studio

hi, im jules!
I create & communicate
for a living.

Having been through the whirlwind of entrepreneurship during my time running this studio, I intimately understand the challenges it can bring. My background as an art director in an agency setting has also allowed me to collaborate with several entrepreneurs. Overseeing projects from start to finish with my team, providing comprehensive services, and tackling large-scale projects at a rapid-fire pace. 

There is certainly a time and place for this level of execution; as a small-to-mid-sized business trying to make its way to the next level, that might not be what you need (or can invest in at this stage).

I grew so much as a designer and creative professional in this environment, but it also resulted in serious sacrifices for my health and well-being. And while I’ve taken my agency-level experience with me, I’ve left that environment of divided attention, tight deadlines, diminished creative energy and employee burnout behind.

Goodwell launched as an alternative option to this fast-paced culture, prioritizing intentionality and one-on-one focused attention, only taking on projects that match our capacity and allowing us to deliver exceptional work without sacrificing our passion or collective well-being.

I’m coming to the table with years of agency experience and a desire to do things a little differently with this small studio. 

  Book an intro call →

love what you're hearing?

let's work together!

Our first step in working together is to set up a totally complimentary intro call.
Please fill out the form below and we will email you within 48 hours.
All other inquiries, please email me at hello@goodwellstudio.com

Now booking projects for Q3 2024.

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