If you remember all the way back to January (!?) I was on about my word of the year; I mentioned landing on “rhythm”, but what I realize now is that what I was actually getting at was “honesty”. And guess what it’s okay to change your mind, that’s all part of honesty. Lately, I’ve […]
One of my favourite things about entrepreneurship is the freedom to make my own schedule. That includes the freedom to choose whether you’re going to work on holidays or take the time off like every other 9-5er. But let me be honest for a second, even with this freedom … I’m still absolutely crippled when […]
It was an accident at first, but then it was intentional. I started by taking off the first few days, then the entire week, and eventually the next. You’ve probably heard about the health flare-up I experienced earlier this month that really put me out. By week two, I asked myself; Should I be getting back to work by now? […]