Getting Started You need to start with intent. Grabbing a bunch of pretty images is great, but grabbing images with a specific intent contributes to an even more impactful visual brand. Remember that brand photos are just another way to help communicate with your intended audience; as much as the images include you, they are […]
There is a lot of information out there on how to get started with SEO and things you “need” to do to optimize your website that guarantee to boost your rankings. If you’re new this, wow it can be overwhelming. But instead of trying to soak in all of the information and implement it all […]
Holy moly how are we in Q2 already!? You’ve probably seen that post trend going around on IG. Social media isn’t real so.. here are some things I’ve been struggling with lately. I love it, not only because it’s a chance to be honest with each other with where we’re at, but it’s a chance […]
Before we dive into lead magnets. Why are we even talking about lead magnets in the first place? There are plenty of reasons for a lead magnet, but the biggest one, and the one I like to focus on is creating a lead magnet to drive folks to your website and essentially to build your […]
How are those January goals coming along??? If you immediately want to hide, you might need to review and reassess your resolutions. Still riding out that new year, new me energy or have a few things fallen off (and by a few.. maybe all the things?) Listen, I’m not calling you out, while setting goals is absolutely necessary to motivate me to […]